How to raise successful kids

As a parent our whole world revolves around our child.  We work very hard day in and day out to give all possible happiness we could to our kids. But still questions what will they do in life? Will they be happy and successful? Keep us sleepless for many nights.

Here are the simple tips we need to follow to raise happy and successful kids

  • Let kids know that you love them – You don’t need to give chocolates or ice-cream / toys to let them know that you love them. Spending quality time with them can serve the purpose. Play with them, Do some small and easy activities, Read out stories or just listing to them carefully will create a strong bond between you and your kids.
  • Make your kids do chores. –

Take out the garbage, mow the lawn, do the dishes– they’re not just ways to make your life easier, they’re ways     to make your kids’ lives better, too. “By making them do chores … they realize, ‘I have to do the work at home as a member of home / Family. It helps enforcing belongingness, togetherness in children. Also it makes them independent and confident. It helps them understand we need to look at the work without being gender biased which ultimately contributes in making healthier society.

  •    Remember that their work is their work.

Don’t do their homework. Teach them the skills they’ll need in real life, and give them enough leash to practice     those skills on their own. … Chores build a sense of accountability.”

  • Teach them social skills – Social- Emotional skills are not completely inborn. These need to be taught to the children.
  • Be a role model for them – If you want your kids to behave a certain way, the most likely way to make it happen is to model good behaviour.
  • Let them be kids – kids are kids, and they should have the opportunity to play, grow, and develop like kids. They’re not hard-wired to be focused on success all the time. Be patient with them and let them take their own time to learn the things

Professional day cares like us give ample of opportunities to mingle with friends and be socially competent. Free play and fun activities planned allow them to be kids.

Through thoughtfully planned activates conducted based on life skills E.g. Tie your shoes, pack your bag,  wash your  toy car , pilling potato/ peas , iron your cloth with toy iron, Wiping toy table  teaches kids responsibility ,helps younger ones to be independent  and contribute their  bit towards making happy and successful kids.

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